Originally I was going to write about Francisco Goya for the March Artist of the Month, but there was one problem (at least to me). We’ve spent the last two months in the late 19th and early 20th century and Goya’s work is only slightly earlier than that. We need to break at least a few centuries away!

Francisco de Goya, Saturno devorando a su hijo (1819-1823)
The idea for who to write about instead jumped out at me so fast I pretty much HAVE to do it! It’s Michelangelo! I know, I said I was going to choose artists that weren’t “too well-known” and I’m going back on that. There are more resources than most people will ever need on Michelangelo. But rather than focus on the artist himself, I want to focus on his process and why his (and other artists’) work looks the way it does.
And then there is the March project. This time it was an easy choice. We’re going to choose a reference photo of a man and sketch it three times – once as a man, once as a woman, and once as nonbinary. Then I’m going to do the same with a reference photo of a woman. The idea is to explore the way gender is translated based on the original reference versus the intended result.
Oh my, that sounded kind of dry, didn’t it? Here’s a better description – I’m going to sketch a bunch of nekkid people because it’s educational on a whole bunch of levels and it’s still something talk about even if you just show up for the nekkid drawings.
That particular stream will most likely be on YouTube since there’s no point in trying to do this type of stream on Twitch. See you there!
P.S. We will definitely be revisiting Goya in the future. 🙂