My February Expressionism Project!
My Expressionism project for this month was a cute little (digital) painting of two birds. I did the birds, sky, and mountains on separate layers so I could export all of the combinations of primary colors and see how it changed the feeling of the painting. Let’s take a look! The piece was initially done…
Impressionist Art – Did I Do It?
When I started my little digital Impressionist painting, I made sure to go in with no expectations. If it came out great – great! If it came out bad – also great! The whole point was to try it out and hopefully learn something along the way. It was definitely a rough start at first,…
January Artist of the Month: Berthe Morisot
When I decided to do the Artist of the Month project, Berthe Morisot was one of the first artists I thought of. Her talents as an artist could have easily been tempered by the male-dominated art world and societal norms of her time, but she was in a unique position to contribute to the rise…
New Year, New Projects!
Happy New Year! Whether celebrating or sleeping through it, I hope we get an amazing start this year. The bar may be low, but we can clear it! Now that the holiday season is over, some of us will be making resolutions and plans while others will be saying to hell with it all. I…
Bookbinding Doesn’t Take that Long
Well, it shouldn’t, but it did for me and not for the reasons you might think. I started my handmade sketchbook adventure back in January when I decided that I wanted one with all different types of paper in it. That’s not something you can zip over to the art store and buy (why not??),…
Stickers! Stickers! Stickers! [Making a New Journal]
Now that the outside cover was all done, it was time to figure out the inside cover for the journal. I had no idea what I wanted to do, except that there should be color. So I took one of my staple color combos – indigo, turquoise, and magenta – and dripped the paint around…
Make a Journal! Overcoming Fear and Failure
Where did we leave off? Right, we’re all set up to make a journal AND about to thoroughly destroy a perfectly good book to do it! No worries – it’s all in the name of art! Let’s make this journal! First thing’s first, we need to start ripping out pages. I know, I know. It. Is.…
Making a Journal – What’s Old is New
Not too long ago, I began making a journal out of my very first ever art book. It was given to me by the one person that encouraged me to pursue art – my elementary art teacher (Shout out Mrs. P!). When I was a kid I didn’t think I was good at anything in…