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Need inspiration? Looking for help on how to art something? Try the links below! These some of the best go-to sources for all things art and all of them are FREE!

Idea Generators

PROMPT! – Generate silly prompts for a drawing challenge

Springhole – Generate almost anything from names to characters to story lines

Art Prompts – Generate characters, creatures, environments, and more!

Art References

Line of Action – Photo references of figures, expressions, hand, feet, and animals for drawing practice.

Quickposes – Photo references of poses, landscapes, and animals for drawing practice.

Art Anatomy Lab – Twitter account of anatomy references.

Pixabay – Stock images of just about anything.

PoseMyArt – Pose a model to reference. Make your own or use a premade.

Reference Angle – Searches for images that match the angle you want to draw.

Tip, Tricks, and Tutorials

Etherington Bros – How to draw almost anything!

Art by Galen – Drawing tips and how to make your own comic book.

Jebbyfish’s OC Masterpost – Everything you need to make your own OC.

Ctrl+Paint – Videos on digital art fundamentals.

Drawabox – Lots of lessons and tuts!

Color Palettes

Color Hunt

Free Drawing Software




Autodesk Sketchbook


Did I miss something great? Let me know so I can add it!