February Artist of the Month: Franz Marc
What is Expressionism? Expressionism began around 1905 in Germany and Austria. Recognizable by its bright, artificial color palettes and simplified forms, it introduced distortions of reality designed to elicit an emotional reaction from the viewer while simultaneously taking inspiration from and rejecting art movements of the past. German Expressionism was a response to two things. …
Expressionist February
Our artist this month is Franz Marc! I chose him because despite his short life and career, he was a major influence in the German Expressionist movement. His work is instantly recognizable – if you’ve seen the painting of blue horses, you’ve seen a Franz Marc painting. Marc’s work was so avant-garde for the time…
January Artist of the Month: Berthe Morisot
When I decided to do the Artist of the Month project, Berthe Morisot was one of the first artists I thought of. Her talents as an artist could have easily been tempered by the male-dominated art world and societal norms of her time, but she was in a unique position to contribute to the rise…
New Year, New Projects!
Happy New Year! Whether celebrating or sleeping through it, I hope we get an amazing start this year. The bar may be low, but we can clear it! Now that the holiday season is over, some of us will be making resolutions and plans while others will be saying to hell with it all. I…